There was an error in the program for Thursday: We start the second day of the HacKeYthon at 10:00 am in the seminar room 236 (not at 9:00 am as originally stated).

As successor event of our first HacKeYthon 2018, the 2nd HacKeYthon will take place on Wednesday, February 21, and Thursday, February 22, at KIT in Karlsruhe.
The goal of this event is to bring forward the development of the KeY system and to transfer knowledge from experienced developers to newer members and associates of the KeY project. In particular, also students working as student assistants with KeY or writing a related Bachelor or Master thesis are cordially invited to join the event.
The idea is to have two types of sessions:
Work in groups: Participants will work in small groups of 3–5 persons on one or more topics of suitable scope. Each group should consist of at least one experienced and at least one less experienced developer.
For information about the list of topics offered and associated team speakers, please visit our dedicated HacKeYthon page on GitHub.
Bug fixing sprint: Participants will concentrate on fixing small bugs and implementing “featurelets”, i.e. very tiny features and quality of life improvements such as the option to mark folders as favorites in the file dialog (which was implemented during last HacKeYthon). For information about candidate issues that can probably be handled in the limited time of the event, look at this GitHub project.
If you have questions about the organization, feel free to contact Wolfram Pfeifer (
(Preliminary) Program
Wednesday, Feb 21
10:00 AM | Welcome (seminar room 236) |
10:15 AM | Presentations of Topics and Teams (5 min each) |
10:45 AM | Working Phase |
1:00 PM | Lunch Break |
2:00 PM | Working Phase |
4:00 PM | Bug Fixing Sprint |
7:00 PM | Social Dinner at Vogelbräu |
Thursday, Feb 22
10:00 AM | Brief presentations by team speakers (seminar room 236, “Daily Scrum”: What did we do? Next steps? Difficulties?) |
10:30 AM | Working Phase |
1:00 PM | Lunch Break |
2:00 PM | Group Working Phase or Bug Fixing (to be decided) |
4:30 PM | Presentation of Results |
5:00 PM | Plenary Discussion: Feedback, Experiences, … |
5:30 PM | Closing |
The HacKeYthon takes place in the rooms of the KIT, organized by our “local host team” of the Application-oriented Formal Verification group. All rooms are within the computer science main building 50.34 at
Am Fasanengarten 5
76131 Karlsruhe
The initial meeting on Wednesday (February 21), starting at 10:00 AM, takes place in the lab room 201, opposite of the secretariat of Prof. Beckert.
201 (Rechnerlabor): Main room of the event; food and cold beverages are here (coffee machine is in the kitchen in 235)!
202 (Office of Romain)
211 (Meeting room in the south-eastern corner of the building)
229 (Office of Mattias)
228 (Office of Wolfram and Michael)
227 (Office of Florian)
236 (Seminar room): During our lunch break (1:00 pm to 2:00 pm) on Wednesday, it is not available for us!
301 (Seminar room): On Wednesday, it is only available for us until 2:00 pm.
Organization Committee
Richard Bubel (TUD)
Daniel Drodt (TUD)
Mattias Ulbrich (KIT)
Florian Lanzinger (KIT)
Wolfram Pfeifer (KIT)