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Rewrite of the KeYParser

weigl, 2021-03-12


This note explains the rewrite of the KeyParser and KeyLexer to ANTLR4. It explains the background, the architecture and shows how to deal breaking changes.


With the MR !278, a new lexer and parser for the KeY language is introduced. The KeY language is used to parse the *.key and *.proof, and is also used as the input language for entering terms in the user interface.

In general, this parser was hard to maintain and extend over the years. The old parser was a traditional ANTLR3 parser, where the grammar and the source code are mixed up. It also some lookahead were required. KeY files are interpreted on different levels: The first level are the basic notions (e.g. sorts and choice options), second level are the functions, predicates and transformers, and the third level are the axioms, contracts and rules. These parsing level are required due to the dependencies between these logical entities, e.g. a rule requires certain functions and sorts during its interpretation. In the old KeY-Parser, each file is parsed (and read) on a specific level. Hence, to interpret a KeY file, multiple parse passes are required.

The new parser is written in ANTLR4 and has a clear separation of concern. The parser is completly free of Java code, and the lexer is reduced to minimum. Therefore, a KeY file is parsed once, and the AST is interpreted on the different levels. This also allows a more flexible interpretation of the AST, e.g. the taclet condition (varcond) can now easily be added or removed. Also new facades enforce a separation of the application logic from the parser. In normal usage scenarios, you are not able to access on the AST directly (but of course, there is a possibility to do so).

Also the new facilities provide a better user feedback for ill-formed inputs. The TermCreationException is enriched with errornous parse tree node and position info (file, line, char). Every taclet has an origin information (file:line). This information is also visible in the taclet information in the InfoView. Every term, which is created by the parser, has given an origin information (file:line). Better feedback whether the ill-formedness is due to syntax or semantic is possible, and will later be provided.

  • The grammar is already a bit simplified:
  • No distinguishing between problem and declaration file.
  • Some rules were slightly rewritten to decrease the ambiguities
  • Requirement of flag orders reduce

API (Facades)

Two new facade provide access to the parser. Of cource it is possible to access the lexer or the parser directly, but this should be avoided.

High-level Access

The class KeyIO provides a high-level facade for parsing and evaluation of KeY files, and Strings. First, this class is stateful as it operates on a supplied Services and NamespaceSet object. Everything interpreted entity, especially the KeY files, has a potential effect on these objects. KeYIO is construction a Services and NamespaceSet object, and provide the following functions:

  • parseExpression(in : String | CharStreams) : Term

Parsing the given input to a Term.

  • parseSequent(in : CharStreams) : Sequent

Parsing the given input to a Sequent.

  • findTaclets(in : KeyAst.File) : List<Taclet>

Given a KeyAst object return a list of declared taclets.

  • evalDeclarations(in : KeYAST.File) : void

Given a KeyAst object interpret basic (level one) declarations.

  • evalFuncAndPred(in : KeYAST.File)

Given a KeyAst object interpret the functions, predicates and transformers.

  • load(in : Path|CharStream|URL|String) : Loader

Given a file location, return a Loader instance. A Loader provides a simple API to fully read and interpret a KeY file. This also includes the transitive parsing of included KeY files. This facililty does not handle Java. Therefore, types which are translated from the Recoder are not available and lead to an failure. Nonetheless, Loader is able to bootstrap the basic definition.

The currently used loading logic is in ProblemInitializer.

In general, KeyIO delivers KeY objects (Term, Sequent, Taclet, etc. ) for given inputs.

Low-level Parsing

Sometimes we need to go beyond the interpretation of AST nodes (e.g. syntax checks, highlighting, Finding used symbols). For these scenario, ParsingFacade provides a thin above the new parser. This facades abstracts the building of KeYLexer and KeYParser, e.g. it sets an exception throwing error handling. As a result, KeYAst objects are returned. These objects carries the internal ParsingRuleContext of the ANTLR4, but hide it from the from the developer. With such an KeyAst object can be used on the KeyIO facade to create a KeY object. For hardcore users, ParsingFacade provides a method for unwrapping the internal AST.

For normal use cases, the ParsingFacade and the new parser and lexer or visitor classes and the visitor classes should not be used directly.

  • createParser(in) : KeYParser and createLexer(in) : KeYLexer

Create a new parser or lexer for the given input.

  • getChoices(files : List<File>) : ChoiceInformation

Given a set of files, this function finds all defined choices and options.

  • getParseRuleContext(ast : KeyAst) : ParserRuleContext

Unwrap the provided AST.

  • parseExpression(in) : KeYAst.Expression, parseSequent: KeYAst.Expression, and parseFile(in) : KeYAst.File

Parse the given input to an expression, sequent or file AST.

Behind the facades

The new parser facility consists of:

  • the grammar file KeyParser.g4
  • the lexer file KeyLexer.g4
  • the facades
  • and visitors for interpretation

ANTLR4 generates for the grammar file the parser, the AST classes and also an AST visitor. We implement this visitor for the different interpretation levels. In detail, there are

  • DefaultBuilder -- basic functions (e.g. throwing errors or adding warnings)
  • ExpressionBuilder -- construction of expression (Term)
    • ContractsAndInvariantsFinder -- evaluation of contracts and invariants
    • ProblemFinder -- evaluation of commands for KeYProblemFile, in particular providing the \problem term.
    • TacletPBuilder -- construction of taclets
  • DeclarationBuilder -- evaluation of basic declarations (sorts, choices, etc.)
  • FunctionPredicateBuilder -- evaluation of functions etc.

Note that these visitors are last classes in a long and too complicated loading architecture in KeY. For details look into ProblemInitializer, KeyFile and KeYProblemFile.

Questions and Answers

What are the breaking changes?

Note that the classes KeyParserF and KeyLexerF are not generated anymore. Please rewrite your code and use KeyIO instead. * DefaultTermParser is deprecated in favor for KeyIO.

There was a few bugs in Key files that were not recognise by the old parser due to choice option which were never selected. This hasn't an effect on the KeY regression test, but might affect your proofs.

In general, choices are handled correctly now. This may break some of your proofs, too. In particular, sort.keyin quicksort was not provable anymore (due to missing taclet) and required a \withOption moreSeqRules:on entry in the KeY problem file.

Note that changes were required in the syntax of variable conditions (see below).

Why does the lexer required some pieces of Java code?

The exception is the handling of NUM_LITERAL followed by an LPAREN '(' needed for function decls like numbers 0 (numbers);. Normally, a 123 is a number and lexed as a number literal (NUM_LITERAL). But if you write 1(2(3(#))) each digit becomes and identifier.

The second case is handling of the keyword \proof. This keyword introduce an S-expr with the taclet applications to reconstruct a proof. The new lexer emits two tokens when \proof is hit, the first token is PROOF, and the second is EOF. The second token stops the parsing.

Where are the grammar rules for the sexpr of proofs?

Proofs are not handled by the parser anymore. This avoids the construction of large AST for several hundreds of megabyte input files. The handling of proofs are as follows:

  • You parse the *.proof as a normal KeY problem file.
  • If \proof is hit, the lexer and parser stops, resulting into a valid AST without nodes for the stored proof.
  • By checking for the AST node of \proof, you can determine that a proof exists.
  • In the next step, you reopen the file, and seek to the position after \proof, and lex again.
  • Using the token stream you can reconstruct the proof easily, without much memory consumption.

This is already implemented in ProofReplayer.

I have an open MR. How can I translate my change from the old parser to the new one?

Let's consider that you modify the old parser, in particular the grammar file KeYParser.g. In the normal case, you have just added some new rules or modify an existing one.

  1. Split your modification of KeYParser.g into grammar and code.
  2. Identify the spots to changed in the new grammar file KeyParser.g4, and modify/add your grammar rules.
  3. Your code need to put into a visitor (see above). Identify the right analysation phase (and visitor). Usually, you have to decide whether your code is evaluated with the base declaration (sorts etc.), 2nd level declaration (functions, etc.), taclets or problem files.
  4. Extend the correct visitor (overriding the visit-method for your new rules)

How can I add a new variable condition?

A taclet holds a list of variable conditions. These are conditions on the values of the declared (schema) variables in a taclet. These conditions were a fixed set defined by the grammar in the old parser. In the new parser, the grammar is (nearly) independent of the particular existing conditions.

In particular, to define a new variable condition you should apply the following steps:

  • Define the class for your variable condition as an subclass of VariableCondition
  • In TacletBuilderManipulators, you need to define instance(s) of ConditionBuilder. These are the factory methods for your variable conditon.
  • Register ConditionBuilder in TacletBuilderManipulators, either by adding a call to TacletBuilderManipulators#register() or using the ServiceLoader.
  • Define a token in the KeyLexer.g4, and add the token to the list of varcondId in KeyParser.g4. (This is step is only required, as the varcondId are currently a list of allowed identifier for variable conditions. In the future, we generalize varcondId to an arbitrary identifier, then this step can be omitted.)

Note that changes were required in the syntax of variable conditions. In particular, combinations with \hasSort and \new are unfolded. Namely,

  • \new is split into \new, \newDependingOn, \newTypeOf.
  • \hasSort is split into \hasSort and \hasElementarySort.

In the old parser, you write \new(\typeOf(x)) in the new parser you write \newTypeOf(x).